- 10.01.2025
- 20 - 50
Job Description
ORTA ASYA (Azeri, Kazak, Kırgız, Tatar, Türkmen, Uygur, Üzbek) Edebiyatı ve Sineması
Humanities İnstitute, beşeri bilim konularında internet ortamında eğitim ve araştırma gayesiyle kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluş olarak Amerika’da 2005 yılında kurulmuştur. Enstitünün veritabanı dünya genelinde bilimciler tarafından hazırlanmış on binin üzerinde makaleden oluşmuştur. Veritabanı okuyuculara ücretsiz sunulmaktadır. Bu açık erişim kitaplığı iki ansiklopediden oluşmaktadır:
Humanities İnstitute, beşeri bilimlerin belirli dalında uzman bilimcilere Enstitünün veritabanı için makaleler yazdırmaktadır. Yazarlarımız, roman ve filmlerin teması ve karakterlerini incelerler. Makaleler, Türkçe veya Ingilizce yazılabilir ve yaklaşık 5 bin kelimedir. Bir uzmanın yazacağı makale sayısı ve yazma süresi Enstitünün takdirine bağlı olarak kontratla belirtilir.
Humanities İnstitute, Azeri, Kazak, Kırgız, Tatar, Türkmen, Uygur ve Üzbek Edebiyatı ve Filmleri konularında, Türkçe veya Ingilizce yazan uzman bilim adamları aramaktadır. Başvurucuların özgeçmişlerini makale için önerdikler eser hakkındaki bilgilerle birlikte Enstitü Kütüphanesi baş editörü Dr. Turhan Baykan’a (tbaykan@aol.com) adresine göndermeleri rica olunur.
Institute Description
The Humanities Institute is a non-profit organization, founded in 2005 in USA, dedicated to free, online postgraduate education and research in all fields of the humanities. The institute maintains a large database, consisting of more than ten thousand articles written by scholars from around the world and available to all self-learners at no cost. The open access library is divided into encyclopedias, which are available at
The Humanities Institute hires qualified scholars to write articles for its online library, which covers the main fields in the humanities. Writers need to have the ability to analyze the story content of a film / novel, its themes and characters. All articles are in English and around 5,000 words. The number of articles written by each writer and duration of employment is open-ended, subject to quality control exercised by the Humanities Institute.
Required Skills
Humanities Location: Istanbul
Sector: Education
Work Load: Part Time
Language: Advanced reading, writing proficiency in English or Turkish
Reimbursement: Dependent upon the qualifications of the applicant.
Summary Info
- Yazar
- Eğitim
- Eğitim , Hizmet
- Sözleşmeli
- Hibrit
- Uzman
- İstanbul Anadolu Yakası
- 10.01.2025
- 10.01.2025
- 11.03.2025
En Yeni İlanlar
Our Story
Humanities Institute, a 501 c 3 non-profit foundation was established in 2005 to promote education and research in the field of Humanities. Our research oriented distant education graduate school is actively looking for gifted and committed researchers and graduate students. HI courses are taught by our Ph.D.-credentialed experts who work one-on-one with students.
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote understanding and harmony among the peoples of different cultures of the world, through scholarly study and research into the Literature and Humanities of world cultures. HI aims to provide high-quality humanities education free of charge.
Our Vision
Our vision is to enable individuals who may not have the chance to study the humanities and to derive satisfaction from it in order to continue to research, communicate, and share ideas.
Our Objective
Our objective is to train our students for higher-level thinking skills and develop the ability to be a self-directed learner and researcher in the field of comparative study of the world civilizations, the global achievement of human beings.