About Us
It is no coincidence that our company name is inspired by the famous mountain in the Himalayas with the summit most difficult to reach. That’s because when we set out our business goals, we aimed to reach the top in service quality and customer satisfaction.After each service we provide, we see friendly, happy customers shaking our hands saying: “Thank you so much, see you again next time…”. This gratitude allows us to feel that we are well on our way in reaching our target.All of the customers we have provided services for to this day are our most valuable references.If you are aiming for the top in your event of any kind, let’s discuss our areas of services that help you reach it.
The Managing Partners of K2 have started their careers in the Meetings and Exhibition Industry at the beginning of the 1990’s and have successfully coordinated plenty of outstanding national and international organizations with participants ranging from 50 to 6000 people.
At K2 we consider all kinds of organizations as the collective output of company- customer relationships. We are aware of the fact that cooperation continuity can only be achieved through creating an environment of long-standing trust and our track record displays our dedication to this.
At the heart of K2 is the understanding that in order to reach the top in providing high-quality services it is essential to implement up-to-date technology, “particularly those applications enhancing communication and data tracking.
Although the dictionary describes a professional as “a person, who performs an action for the purpose of deriving profit”, the staff at K2 recognizes that real professionalism in our industry requires much more than that. We combine our professional business attituded with the loving spirit and dynamic dedication of an amateur in the true sense of the wordsm.
Customer Satisfaction
All of us at K2 are aware that only carries any meaning when you, our customer, are satisfied with our services. Achieving “Customer Satisfaction” is a core principle of our business and defines our operational approach.
KAİKİ KONGRE YÖNETİMİ VE TURİZM A.Ş. Genel Müdürlüğüİstanbulilinde bulunmaktadır.
KAİKİ KONGRE YÖNETİMİ VE TURİZM A.Ş. adres ve iletişim bilgileri:
Daha FazlaIt is no coincidence that our company name is inspired by the famous mountain in the Himalayas with the summit most difficult to reach. That’s because when we set out our business goals, we aimed to reach the top in service quality and customer satisfaction.After each service we provide, we see friendly, happy customers shaking our hands saying: “Thank you so much, see you again next time…”. This gratitude allows us to feel that we are well on our way in reaching our target.All of the customers we have provided services for to this day are our most valuable references.If you are aiming for the top in your event of any kind, let’s discuss our areas of services that help you reach it.
The Managing Partners of K2 have started their careers in the Meetings and Exhibition Industry at the beginning of the 1990’s and have successfully coordinated plenty of outstanding national and international organizations with participants ranging from 50 to 6000 people.
At K2 we consider all kinds of organizations as the collective output of company- customer relationships. We are aware of the fact that cooperation continuity can only be achieved through creating an environment of long-standing trust and our track record displays our dedication to this.
At the heart of K2 is the understanding that in order to reach the top in providing high-quality services it is essential to implement up-to-date technology, “particularly those applications enhancing communication and data tracking.
Although the dictionary describes a professional as “a person, who performs an action for the purpose of deriving profit”, the staff at K2 recognizes that real professionalism in our industry requires much more than that. We combine our professional business attituded with the loving spirit and dynamic dedication of an amateur in the true sense of the wordsm.
Customer Satisfaction
All of us at K2 are aware that only carries any meaning when you, our customer, are satisfied with our services. Achieving “Customer Satisfaction” is a core principle of our business and defines our operational approach.
KAİKİ KONGRE YÖNETİMİ VE TURİZM A.Ş. Genel Müdürlüğüİstanbulilinde bulunmaktadır.
KAİKİ KONGRE YÖNETİMİ VE TURİZM A.Ş. adres ve iletişim bilgileri:

Turizm - Otelcilik Sektörü Çalışan Profili
Turizm - Otelcilik sektöründe çalışanların iş alanları
Aşağıdaki bilgiler, şuanda çalışanların ortak verilerine göre analiz edilmiştir.
- Hizmet164716
- Kafe / Bar / Restoran152687
- Turizm - Otelcilik152079
- Satış63851
- İdari İşler / Ofis42153
Turizm - Otelcilik sektöründe çalışanların mezun oldukları bölümler
Aşağıdaki bilgiler, şuanda çalışanların ortak verilerine göre analiz edilmiştir.
- Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği193252
- İşletme117938
- Turizm İşletmeciliği25471
- İktisat24797
- Diğer16215
Turizm - Otelcilik sektöründe çalışanların öğrenim seviyesi
Aşağıdaki bilgiler, şuanda çalışanların ortak verilerine göre analiz edilmiştir.
- Lisans Mezunu281834
- Lise Mezunu189766
- Ön Lisans Mezunu144626
- Lisans Öğr.85995
- Ön Lisans Öğrenci43995
Turizm - Otelcilik sektörü iş ilanlarında en çok yayınlanan pozisyonlar
Aşağıdaki bilgiler, şuanda çalışanların ortak verilerine göre analiz edilmiştir.
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