Antlink Turizm Ticaret A.Ş. Hakkında
Tourism Health Services
Medical Case Management: Corresponding to requests of assistance by establishing prompt contact with the patient, the insurance and the medical institutions, coordinating the case from the start till the end, while keeping all parties updated.
Obtaining Documentation: Obtainment of medical reports, fit to fly forms, test results, death certificates, transport permits.
House Calls: Arranging house calls to the desired locations.
Clinic/Hospital Visits: Arranging hospital visits, including ambulance/regular transfers from house/hotel of the patient to the hospital and back.
Clinic/Hospital Payments: Providing GOP to Health Institutions on behalf of our clients.
Patient Transfers with Ground Ambulance: Organizing ground ambulance transfers, providing detailed transfer timetables, supervising the transfer live, and keeping all parties informed during the process.
Patient Repatriations via Regular Flights or Air Ambulance: Providing ticketing service and arranging Air Ambulance transfer on request.
Providing Medical / Non-Medical Escort: Arranging companions that will escort patients to their countries during the repatriation process.
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International Funeral Repatriations- Local Burials: Providing A to Z funeral repatriation services, including obtainment of documents and translations, providing morgue and partial embalming services, making flight arrangements, alongside with an option of local burial.
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Transfers from Airport to Hotel/Hotel to Airport: Arranging VIP transport organizations.
Call Center Services: Providing professional data entry and case coordination services, with a 7/24 response capability that we offer to our contracted partners.
Flight Tickets: ANTlink is an authorized ticketing agency for Turkish Airlines, SunExpress and Corendon Airlines, offering ticketing services for any available destination.
Hotel Reservations: Arranging hotel reservations in accords with spesific needs and requests of our clients.
Document Translations: Providing notary certificied translations of official documents.
Towing Services: Arranging immediate towing organizations on request.
Legal Consultations via Registered Lawyers: Arranging legal assistance via an array of experienced lawyers we are in partnership with.
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Antlink Turizm Ticaret A.Ş. Genel MüdürlüğüAntalyailinde bulunmaktadır.
Antlink Turizm Ticaret A.Ş. adres ve iletişim bilgileri:
Adres:Altındağ mah.100.Yıl Bulvarı 12/202 Muratpaşa Antalya Türkiye
Web Sitesi:
Daha FazlaMedical Case Management: Corresponding to requests of assistance by establishing prompt contact with the patient, the insurance and the medical institutions, coordinating the case from the start till the end, while keeping all parties updated.
Obtaining Documentation: Obtainment of medical reports, fit to fly forms, test results, death certificates, transport permits.
House Calls: Arranging house calls to the desired locations.
Clinic/Hospital Visits: Arranging hospital visits, including ambulance/regular transfers from house/hotel of the patient to the hospital and back.
Clinic/Hospital Payments: Providing GOP to Health Institutions on behalf of our clients.
Patient Transfers with Ground Ambulance: Organizing ground ambulance transfers, providing detailed transfer timetables, supervising the transfer live, and keeping all parties informed during the process.
Patient Repatriations via Regular Flights or Air Ambulance: Providing ticketing service and arranging Air Ambulance transfer on request.
Providing Medical / Non-Medical Escort: Arranging companions that will escort patients to their countries during the repatriation process.
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International Funeral Repatriations- Local Burials: Providing A to Z funeral repatriation services, including obtainment of documents and translations, providing morgue and partial embalming services, making flight arrangements, alongside with an option of local burial.
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Transfers from Airport to Hotel/Hotel to Airport: Arranging VIP transport organizations.
Call Center Services: Providing professional data entry and case coordination services, with a 7/24 response capability that we offer to our contracted partners.
Flight Tickets: ANTlink is an authorized ticketing agency for Turkish Airlines, SunExpress and Corendon Airlines, offering ticketing services for any available destination.
Hotel Reservations: Arranging hotel reservations in accords with spesific needs and requests of our clients.
Document Translations: Providing notary certificied translations of official documents.
Towing Services: Arranging immediate towing organizations on request.
Legal Consultations via Registered Lawyers: Arranging legal assistance via an array of experienced lawyers we are in partnership with.
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Antlink Turizm Ticaret A.Ş. Genel MüdürlüğüAntalyailinde bulunmaktadır.
Antlink Turizm Ticaret A.Ş. adres ve iletişim bilgileri:
Adres:Altındağ mah.100.Yıl Bulvarı 12/202 Muratpaşa Antalya Türkiye
Web Sitesi:

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Turizm - Otelcilik Sektörü Çalışan Profili
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